To all Muslim people,happy eid fitri.

I love it when Eid al-Fitr comes around. Ofcourse, there's all that good food to get through after a month of abstinence. But it's also about the spirit of giving. In Indonesia, there's a tradition where adults give the younger ones money. Naturally, that's was the highlight for me when I was growing up.

It's been last year since I've been on the receiving end of the money trail, but as an adult, there's no shortage of things to look forward to. I look forward to the look of glee in the younger ones' eyes when I hand them their money packet, and to catching up with my extended family.
I especially look forward to the morning of Eid, when my immediate family will gather in the living room and take turns to seek forgiveness from each other. When I was kid, it felt like a chore I had to go through in order to get the goal-the money, Now I'm order, I cherish that moment when we say to each other, "I'm sorry for any wrong I've done you or hurt feelings I may have caused you. Please forgive me."

Happy Eid 1433H to all who celebrate it.
Minal Aidzin Walfaidzin

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